Primary School


Last Sunday, the students of our school, Adrianna Janiszak and Oliwia Warylewska, took part in the Volunteering for the Great Charity Orchestra for the first time and collected money. The weather was bad, but they were very brave. Huge congratulations, girls! We are very proud
Volunteering is a voluntary activity undertaken free of charge, which is obvious to some and unacceptable to others. Personality and socio-cultural factors influence the decision to become a volunteer. We base it both on a psychological perspective (internal motives, desires) and a sociological perspective (environmental influences, attitudes promoted in a given community, culture, etc.).
Motivation to become a volunteer can be expressed in searching for one’s place in life, giving it meaning, self-realization.
Psychologists distinguish among the main sources of pro-social behavior:
1. empathy, understood as an emotional state of compassion, caused by the situation of another person,
2.appropriate standards that require action for the benefit of those in need (e.g. love of neighbor, reciprocity or social responsibility),
3.creating personal bonds (friendship or sympathy),
4. recognizing another human being as an autonomous being and treating him in this way
(Reykowski J., Kochańska G., 1980).
We are very pleased that so many of our students are involved in this type of activity!