Primary School

So what’s the deal with this glass?

Ola, our psychologist, constantly thinks about you and has something important to share with you again!

„Many times when I talked to you about emotions in school, I mentioned my anecdote about a glass. Anecdote for both the small and bigger ones. I also wrote about it in my last post here.

So what’s the deal with this glass? I am ready to explain! 🙂

Each of us is a glass that collects emotions and experiences. The unpleasant is water that is poured into a glass. The joyful is the sun that warms this glass.
What happens when the sun heats a liquid in a glass? Of course – it evaporates! 🙂

It is normal that during our lives something is poured into this glass, and other times it evaporates. And everything is safe as long as it happens equally.

Sometimes, however, it is different.
And then we have 2 glasses next to each other.
One is the person whose sun was shining a moment ago.
The other is a person who had something unpleasant happening to them and their glass is filled almost to the very edge.

Seemingly, the same thing happens to both people and in the opinion of many these are trivial things, e.g. teasing a colleague or classmate.

Someone will add some water, but the situation will remain stable.
The other person’s glass will overflow, because there will not be enough space for another liquid. Then we „break”. This is the moment when tears appear, powerlessness, aggression …

I often hear „I told him so once!”, „He / she didn’t pay attention to such things before!”.

It could have been like that – before her or his glass was balanced.

Remember, however, that we never know 100% how much water there is in a glass of our friends or family members. Maybe they have some problems? Maybe they had an argument with someone? Maybe they feel worse and they are sick? Or they are dealing with a lot of stress at work or school? When we see that our words or deeds are hurting someone, it is not time to get angry with that person. It is time to ask them whether everything is fine or, without words, make sometning nice to them.

Now a large part of us are glasses in which this water has a high level.
It is okay that you feel worse, that you want to cry, that you are nervous. We can, however, make us feel better. That is why today we should make sure that the sun shines on our glasses and our loved ones.
Let’s smile to each other. Let’s say something nice. Let’s hug mom or dad. Let’s say „I love you”. Let’s call family or friends who are far away. Let’s help ourselves with household chores. Let’s play games.
There are plenty of possibilities.
Let the sun shine!