High School, Junior High School, Primary School

Meet our native speakers!

Mrs Amanda – from Australia, is a licensed English teacher and holds a TESOL diploma. Although she specializes in Business English, she loves working with children and young people. The lessons with Mrs Amanda should change the name from: English to: English with a smile ! Many activating methods used in classes allow the language involvement of all students. Everyone must give 100%


Mrs Kelley – a native speaker of English and a teacher of English with TEFL certificate. Kelley comes from the US, loves to teach, and all the children love her. Kelley has taught in many countries around the world. In Germany, the Netherlands and Panama, and for four years in Poland – at the Socrates International School.

Speak, Speak, Speak is her principle :). The minimum amount of teaching materials and conversations as a basic teaching method bring phenomenal results!

Mrs Kelly is also a certified English teacher in Teddy Eddie’s Bydgoszcz