Magic money collection for Łukasz

On the last Wednesday of November St. Andrew’s Day was organized in our school. On this day, the school corridors turned into „fortune telling halls”. It’s our helpful mums who made the magic atmosphere. At that moment, they transformed into fairies to give our children joy. These extraordinary magical ladies have foretold the future from cards and hands for all who are eager, and have augured a glass ball and magical hearts. So every participant of St. Andrew’s madness impatiently pierced the paper heart to read the name of his or her sympathy and drew a magical ticket on which the names of their future jobs appeared. The catalog of fortune-telling was extensive and rich, and everyone wanted to have their fortune fortold. An additional attraction was a photo-booth, thanks to which the pupils could make special photos with friends in funny Christmas costumes 🙂 The entire amount that was successfully collected on this day will be transferred to the account of Łukasz Berezak. The children eagerly joined in the second school action, glad that they can help Łukasz. Keep it up!