Primary School

What were they doing in this lesson?!

My child came home from school without a note in his notebook. What were they doing in this lesson ?!
They were learning! 🙂 We pay more and more attention to „non-traditional” methods of learning. Not only paper and pencil. Not only tedious and boring lessons. It’s fantastic ❤ This is due to, inter alia, the post I posted here last week.
An example of Socratic lessons in which we rarely see a traditional note is, among others, chemistry. I was inspired to write this post by Ms. Agnieszka, our teacher of this subject, who often faces the question asked at the beginning of the post, and whom I asked to express her opinion on this topic and explain to me how she works.
I have very hard memories of the adventure with this subject during my school days. Cramming difficult concepts and rules by heart that I couldn’t explain to myself. Socratesians come to the aid of a method often used by Ms. Agnieszka, i.e. IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education) – teaching, in this case, science subjects by inquiry. Children develop research competences, exploration attitudes, independence and responsibility for the learning and cognition process that we care so much about. The main product of the lesson is the performed experiment, thanks to which the students get to know about new phenomena and define them on their own. They completely depart from difficult, textbook definitions.
Interestingly – I hear voices more and more often that chemistry is difficult, but… interesting! The lessons are interesting and the material is memorable. Children can remember the processes taking place during the lessons and explain the phenomena with them. It works!
The most pleasing fact is that it is one of the many subjects we learn in a modern way. Therefore – do not panic if you do not see the note. 🙂
Mrs. Ola
And for example: the pictures show an additional sweet task for 7a students. Specifying the type of mixtures when making and baking cakes.