High School, Junior High School, Primary School

A day with a famous sportsman

On January 9, 2018, our school was able to participate in an unusual meeting with well-known athletes who visited our school.
Marika Popowicz – athlete, Małgorzata Wiejak – weightlifter, Adrian Zieliński – weightlifter, Mateusz Bierwagen & Łukasz Frąckiewicz – basketball player.
Entered the thresholds of our school .

We could meet live with athletes who represent our homeland at the largest events in the world. Mrs. Marika Popowicz as the athlete represented our national colors at the Olympic Games in London in the 4×100 and 4×200 relay, Małgorzata Wiejak participated in the Olympic Games in London and was titled at world and European rank competitions, Adrian Zielinski, winner of the golden medal at the Olympics in London 2012, multiple medalist of the world and European championships, Mateusz Bierwagen and Łukasz Frąckiewicz, our wonderful basketball players who are alumni of the Astoria Bydgoszcz Club where they play and represent our city in the basketball league.

During the meeting, our guests talked about their first steps during training and how difficult it is to reach the top of their greatest achievements.
Students after the meeting could pose for photos with their favorites and receive a commemorative autograph.

The organizers of this meeting were the institution of the Special Educational and Rearing Center No. 3 together with the International School of Socrates.

fot. T. Rybski